Hi, I'm Katherine Bowman from Iowa and I'm blessed to be living out the dreams that the Lord has placed in my heart! Having a photography business has been a dream of mine for many years. I feel that now is the right time to take the next steps and make it a reality. I am passionate about my relationship with Jesus Christ, my family, Brasil, staying fit, traveling, and of course photography. This blog is a reflection of myself. If you have any questions, feel free to email me or leave a comment below. Thanks for stopping by!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Things I Enjoy: '65 Chevy

I've had lot of fun this summer driving this truck! It's true that I've had my share of squealing tires, killing it at stop signs, making it buck, and stares from people. But thankfully, none of my passengers had to wear neck braces after riding with me! :)

But as much as I enjoy driving it, I also like to sit in the passenger seat. I like it when Jerod is behind the wheel and Nathan is in the car seat between us. Just crusin'.

Life. is. good.




JL Photographers said...

Love that truck and the baby pictures! .. Ironically my husbands name is Jerod--didn't know anyone else out there spelled it like that too!

Anonymous said...

It's sooooo You!!!

Kristen said...

oh my gosh those cheeks

Katherine Bowman said...

@JBauer - no way... hardly anyone spells their name like that! :) @mo - I know it's so me! :) and it's SOOO fun! I'll give you a ride when you come back to the states :) @kristen - i had the same chubo cheeks when i was little! :)


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