Hi, I'm Katherine Bowman from Iowa and I'm blessed to be living out the dreams that the Lord has placed in my heart! Having a photography business has been a dream of mine for many years. I feel that now is the right time to take the next steps and make it a reality. I am passionate about my relationship with Jesus Christ, my family, Brasil, staying fit, traveling, and of course photography. This blog is a reflection of myself. If you have any questions, feel free to email me or leave a comment below. Thanks for stopping by!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Senior: Bailey

These shots were taken a couple of weeks ago... we finally found a day without rain!!! :) I had so much fun with Bailey, she is so photogenic and really made the afternoon fun!

Bailey, thank you for choosing me to take your senior photos! I had a great time and can't wait for the winter shots! :)

Thought I'd start off with her laughing... :)








This was such a cool wall...




Obviously It's been way too long since I've blogged pictures... I didn't even post them my normal size! Hmmm, better work on that!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

What's New?

Yes, I know, it's been WAY TOOOO long since I've blogged. Quite a few things have been happening....

* There were days when I haven't touched the computer... which actually turned out to be nice! Cause really, this thing can suck away your time!

* I have been daily reminded and encouraged by the Word of God. I'm not going by my "feelings", I'm going by what the Word says. Because God cannot lie. So what He says takes first seat compared to what I feel.

* Nathan has his two bottom teeth! :)

* Nathan is getting back on track with a nap schedule, which I'm REALLY thankful for!

* I attended a Lori Nordstrom photography workshop two weeks ago and learned a lot!

* The house really needs cleaned.

* Jerod's new favorite drink is apple cinnamon and peppermint tea mixed with honey. :) It is really good!

* Nathan has his 9 month appointment tomorrow morning. After that we'll stop and see the doctor that delivered him because...
1. she is the best doctor ever
2. she'll want to squeeze Nathan's chubby cheeks
3. and because I'm pregnant! :)


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